Friday, November 2, 2007

Embracing Without Clinging...

I've added a visual reminder of the Uposatha days here. I've always had a hard time with dates and times, so I need all the help I can get!

This is a particularly challenging aspect of practice for me. I do not live in a culture that is geared for such things. And the potential for problems that comes with being the only Buddhist in the family seems endless at times. I had never realized just how often others make plans that include me - and the opposite of renunciation - until I decided to observe the Uposatha. It requires a healthy mixture of mindfulness, compassion, equanimity... and a whole lot of creativity with a generous sprinkling of flexibility. While I am not always completely successful in my efforts to avoid rocking the boat while going against everyone else's flow, gradually whatever perceived disturbances there may be for all appear to be diminishing.


JD said...


Nice reflection. I know how it is even though I do not have a family around pulling me in different directions. I talked to someone once who told me that he learned a lot about renunciation from having a wife and kids. He told me that he has to learn to do things he may not want to do or to learn to deal with the challenges and unexpected things that come up day to day. Sounds like you are turning your own life into a Dhamma lesson as well. Be well in your practice.


puthujjana said...

Hi Justin,

Well, there's never a shortage of teachers, unwitting though they may be. I opened my eyes one day and realized that my life was a Dhamma lesson.
